I have been truly passionate about fashion and personal style since I was a very little girl.
Despite an overwhelming lack of fashion literature in my house growing up, I found a great deal of style inspiration from movies. As a child, I emulated what my favorite film characters chose to wear. It never mattered if they were dressed in current trends or period pieces. I loved that a character in a film could pull off any style and since it fit their personality look good.
My opinion today is no different, every single time I watch a movie I study each character’s wardrobe and take it as inspiration for my own personal style and wardrobe.
Despite an overwhelming lack of fashion literature in my house growing up, I found a great deal of style inspiration from movies. As a child, I emulated what my favorite film characters chose to wear. It never mattered if they were dressed in current trends or period pieces. I loved that a character in a film could pull off any style and since it fit their personality look good.
My opinion today is no different, every single time I watch a movie I study each character’s wardrobe and take it as inspiration for my own personal style and wardrobe.
There is something truly extraordinary about dressing a character.
A costumer has to take a variety factors into account. They look to the history of a character that is not necessarily delivered on the screen. They question why are character would wear certain items (are they emulating someone?), imagine how they would acquire certain items of clothing or accessories, and consider each facet of the character’s personality to fittingly dress them. I think when dressing one should consider such historical and inspirational factors.
A costumer has to take a variety factors into account. They look to the history of a character that is not necessarily delivered on the screen. They question why are character would wear certain items (are they emulating someone?), imagine how they would acquire certain items of clothing or accessories, and consider each facet of the character’s personality to fittingly dress them. I think when dressing one should consider such historical and inspirational factors.
I often find myself so distracted with a character’s wardrobe...
that I have to re-watch the film to grasp the full story. I take into account all the details of character’s personal style and apply the components of their wardrobe to thei
r personality.
that I have to re-watch the film to grasp the full story. I take into account all the details of character’s personal style and apply the components of their wardrobe to thei

With each many of my favorite movies it is not only the storyline, but the style of the characters that I adore. I think just about anyone can find style inspiration from film if you pay attention to such details.
Below are some of my favorites, I have studied closely and often consider while searching a store, my closet or creating something new.
“When we go to Morocco, I think we should wear completely different clothes, and be completely different people."
My favorite movie of all time is Almost Famous. I love the fashion in the film so much that several summers ago I vowed to only wear what Penny Lane would wear. Whether lying in the sun in my backyard or out with friends,I dressed like a “band-aide” from the early 1970’s, cut-off shorts, white billowy tank tops, and polka dot blouses. I wore my hair long and messy (and still do). I loved the freedom Kate Hudson’s character’s wardrobe conveyed. I am endlessly inspired by Penny Lane. What she wore was as romantic and free-spirited as her personality in the film. Oh the glamour of life on the road, it looked as if she could easily throw her stuff in a suitcase, hop on the bus “with the band” and never look back; my one true dream in life.
Audrey Hepburn is a classic style icon. No matter what she always looked sophisticated and chic. She stars in two of my favorite films; Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Roman Holiday. The wardrobes in each of these movies are impeccable. Hepburn’s Holly Golightly is the consummate city girl; always elegant and confident in ballerina shoes, trench coats, and dresses and Hepburn’s breezy, yet sophisticated gladiator sandals and prim white shirts with the sleeves rolled up in Roman Holiday has influenced my personal style. (The entire wardrobe from the Breakfast at Tiffany's was designed by Givenchey)
Sofia Coppola is my favorite female director. I adore both her work and personal style. Her films the ethereal 1970's based The Virgin Suicides and ultra-feminine Marie Antoinette are captivating. They are not “fashion” films necessarily; however there is so much beauty and style in each that I am often overcome with a sense of personal inspiration and imagination after viewing them.
Other films that inspire my style:
Dazed and Confused
Sex & the City: The Movie
(500) Days of Summer
Good start...we'll talk more in class on Tuesday.